Do you want more happy families in your KFC restaurant?

Add play value! Order now and get up to 45% discount!

IKC works globally with many KFC’s to create custom play solutions that matches the KFC look and feel. And this offers KFC a lot more than just happy children. Families feel more welcome and are happy to return to the restaurant. This is what we call: Turning Play Into Profit!

Years of experience, knowledge and research allows IKC to create the perfect playground. Research shows that children have an huge impact on where families are going to eat. By adding play value to your KFC, you will increase turnover, in-store-time, customer experience, retention and customer loyalty. That's the power of a playground.

Return on investment guaranteed. By adding play value you will at least sell one meal extra every day. This will easily pay back the rather small investment.

“The introduction of an IKC play area has been a great tool for attracting families to our restaurant. We've only lost 5% of the floor space, but so far we’ve seen a 20% increase in families, and children are my future customers.”
- Owner fastfood restaurant, Wuppertal in Germany

Check out these analog and digital (including KFC software) custom KFC play solutions, order now and get up to 45% discount*. The play modules are plug and play and easy to mount and install.

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* Promotion expires on the 30th of September 2019

Sliding puzzle

Custom play concepts for KFC

Above you can see some of the possibilities for custom KFC play systems. To add even more play value to the examples below, they can be combined with custom EPDM rubber flooring and
wall designs.

All the play systems can be fully adapted to your wishes and requirements, or our team can create a new custom design to match your restaurant.

Custom KFC games for touchscreens

IKC created custom KFC software for the interactive play systems. This software contains 11 games for children between the age of 4 and 12 years old.

The graphics in the game match KFC’s menu-items and corporate identity. The games are always violence-free and accessible for all children.

For more KFC designs. Contact us now!

Why choose an IKC play corner?

All IKC products are friendly, challenging, imaginative, and offer endless playing and fun.

How do we do this? We take great delight in exploring how children think, experience and play. Furthermore, we keep learning every day from the way children play and from the experiences of our customers.

IKC focusses on accessible concepts that stimulate children to move,
from which they learn something and from which they cannot get enough. This is what our team does best.

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