The corona crisis has severly hit the nursing industry!
This morning in the Dutch Financial Newspaper: The corona crisis has severely hit the nursing industry is under pressure and facing major choices.
Do you remember? Senior citizen homes closed for visitors: 'No family, no carer, what now?' De Jonge, Dutch Minister for Health, Welfare and Sport, announced that no more visitors are allowed in senior citizen homes. This measure was taken to provide extra protection for vulnerable groups in society against the coronavirus.
Senior citizen homes had to close, Dutch citizens organised various actions to encourage older people in nursing homes. On the outside there was an ambience of encouragement, while it was different on the inside. There was sadness and a feeling of loneliness.
Senior citizen homes have suffered a major image blow in the past corona period. This is stated in an article in today's Dutch Financial Newspaper. Research shows that Senior citizen homes evoke a gloomy image among people. Where you used to walk into a nursing home without any problems, nowadays it feels like an unpleasant place. This means a lot for the sector, the turnover but especially for the visitors and above all for the clients.
It is time for companies to help and pull senior citizen homes out of this hole and turn the picture that has been created recently to a positive perspective. IKC is currently working on a concept for the Senior citizen homes in which interaction, education and relaxation are the main focus. This concept will be announced by the end of this year. Stay tuned and follow the developments through our website and our social media channels!