September 1st: Today is Sustainable Tuesday!
Today is Sustainable Tuesday!
Today is Sustainable Tuesday, a day that the Dutch government calls for a moment to reflect on sustainable entrepreneurship. Although, one moment or one day is simply not enough. It is important that all future generations of children can play with safe play elements made of honest, sustainable materials.
We don't like to brag, but creating sustainable products is something IKC is very good in. At IKC, we stand for 365 Sustainable days per year! Happy children make a better world! That has been our motto for years.
In 50 years, children will play with play elements that are made from trees that we plant today.
(Marco Lankman, CEO IKC Global)
We can't say often enough that sustainable entrepreneurship is important, and we put this at the top of the agenda at IKC. We continuously check and recheck our business processes to ensure sustainable business. We look at the safety of our products and the materials we use. This means that we guarantee safety for our employees during the production process and also that all our products are fully tested to ensure that children can play safely.
We are proud of our customers; by choosing an IKC kids’ corner, they invest in a sustainable product that will last for years. All our products are made of FSC-certified wood, which means that it has been checked and purchased according to strict rules. This certificate stands for the fact that the wood has been purchased legally, protects the local environment, and also protects the rights and welfare of the local community and workers.
Start child friendly and environmentally responsible entrepreneurship today, with an IKC kids’ corner!
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