The evolution of the Supermarket
Week 45 was all about supermarkets with the event: 'Week of the Supermarket'. An event organised for the first time this year by the trade journal Distrifood, and due to the corona measures, this event took place digitally. Through presentations, various people from the supermarket sector gave their views on the retail industry and addressed various themes such as; the changed supermarket, product range trends, green revolution and in-store innovation. Interviews with CEO's and CCO's of Albert Heijn, Jumbo, Hoogvliet and Plus Supermarkets also took place.
Reason enough to take a look at the transformations in the supermarket sector. Where people used to go to a grocery store and had to shout every product over the counter, we have been able to go to a self-service shop in the Netherlands since 1946. Since the arrival of self-service stores, entrepreneurs have been able to give more and more attention to the experience in the supermarket. Customers appreciated picking up their groceries themselves, and the supermarket entrepreneur could also play with offers and price tags in this way.
‘Mum, are we going to the supermarket today with that game screen?’
Nowadays, customers want to have a total experience when they visit the supermarket.
More and more often the supermarket is a place people don't go to because the fridge is empty or for their daily shopping, but also to experience and meet others. The senses are stimulated, many supermarkets respond to this; you can see, feel, smell, taste, discover and compare products.
The upcoming of IKC!
IKC has been purveyors of play concepts for supermarkets for years. In 2001 we installed our first kids’ corner in a Dutch supermarket, followed by many supermarket entrepreneurs. Our play concepts ensures that parents have longer time for grocery shopping, and are more inclined to go to a particular supermarket, this ensures a higher turnover. By developing a kids’ corner in corporate identity, children get to know the supermarket's brand at an early age, which ensures a positive brand experience. After all, the child of today is the customer of later.
Mothers prefer to come to us for grocery shopping, because they can take their children with them'. Albert Heijn.
We want to show you the evolution about the supermarket sector, in which IKC has played a major role throughout the years and to this day.